CIFP Usurbil LHII is a public Vocational Training School located in the Basque Country. It was founded in 1975 and, since then, it has been devoted to the vocational training of young people so as they can fulfil the surrounding companies' needs. It delivers training in five different fields: Mechanical Manufacturing, Electricity and Electronics, Business and Finance, Installations and their Maintenance and Energy Efficiency and Water. Currently, the school counts 70 teachers and around 400 students, a third of them in dual training. The school provides as well certified continuous training and lifelong learning for active and unemployed workers, designs work based learning trainings on demand of the company’s needs, organizes awareness building workshops about renewable energies in collaboration with the provincial councils, schools and youth organisations. On an international level, the school collaborates in different European Erasmus+ (KA1 and KA2) projects, international projects as trainings for Latin American teachers e.g. "Técnicos para Chile" in renwable energies, and foster the crossborder cooperation with VET providers in France.
Erasmus+ KA1
Our school collaborates with European VET schools in order to organize student and staff mobilities abroad:
- We sent and receive students for work-based learning mobilities at school and for internship at companies.
- We sent and receive teachers and trainers for job-shadowing at VET schools.
Erasmus+ KA2
Currently, our school is collaborating in a Strategic Partnership supporting innovation Blend4VET about blended learning. Find out more about it: